If you have 15 seconds—10 seconds if your information can be auto-filled in your browser!—we have an easy favor to ask: Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! Visit Switch4Good’s 2025 Dietary Guidelines page, fill in your info, and click SUBMIT to send a prewritten message to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee urging them to remove dairy as its own category and instead integrate it into the protein category.


You might recall that in 2020, we successfully pushed the USDA to acknowledge soy milk as nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk following 20,000 public comments in 10 days. Every five years, the federal government publishes a new set of guidelines. With the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services preparing for the next round in 2025 and beyond, we need your help to make a change that will show the public they do not need to consume cow’s milk to be healthy.


Want to learn more from Olympic medalist, Switch4Good founder and Executive Director, Dotsie Bausch? Check out this video of Dotsie delivering a comment directly to the Advisory Committee for a primer in under two minutes—and don’t forget to amplify this message and encourage your friends and colleagues to submit comments so we can once again show the federal government that we mean business. Thank you!

Tiffany Bruno

[email protected] 

Director of Education

631-682-9420 | LinkedIn




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