Hello, if anyone would like to hear, use or get involved with the creators of an anti-meat song, links for song and contact for the composer below.
A brief excerpt from the attached press release says: The video illustrates the contradiction between Britain’s love of animals - DEFRA: “we are a nation of animal lovers” - and the way animals are treated on intensive, “Factory Farms”. The video exposes the British Government’s failure to adequately protect these farmed animals and asks the potent question: “is UK Factory Farming illegal?”
SONG: https://open.spotify.com/track/1k0VY8Lmamy1mPdhxDVZ5G?si=31501c0af3484578
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UAO7YxeM-I&t=1s
Sophie Kevany, Journalist
Spain + 34 636 471 260