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Hello FAST! 

Exciting news! Project 1882 has just released a new report showcasing the growing trend towards plant-based transitions in the Swedish hotel, restaurant, and fast-food industry. With this report, we have been urging companies to set clear goals for promoting plant-based options and reducing the overall amount of meat purchased and consumed.  

Project 1882 works to make a difference for the animals that are the most exploited and suffer the worst. Right now, our primary focus is on decreasing the consumption of chicken and fish, while preventing the common practice of substituting red meat with white meat. We encourage companies to set clear goals to improve the lives of animals, rather than replacing one type of animal species with another. 

Here are some key highlights from the report: 

  • The restaurant chain Linnéa & Basilika (21 units) aims to cut red meat usage by 70 % and chicken by 50 % by 2030. 
  • AM Sushi (20 units) plans to reduce fish and chicken consumption by 50 % by 2030. 
  • Hawaii Poké (21 units) will increase vegan protein sales by 50 % by 2027. 
  • Scandic Hotels (250 units in the Nordic countries) has committed to making 60 % of their food plant-based by 2025. Project 1882 has been encouraging them to clarify what this goal entails regarding meat reduction, and they have now confirmed that this commitment has led to a nearly 30 % decrease in meat purchases. We keep working with them to set a goal for 2030. 
  • KFC Sweden is increasing plant-based protein sales by 5 % per year by 2030. 

The report has sparked great conversations with many companies, and we are optimistic about even more progress soon!  

You can read the full report in English here. 





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Will Lowrey
 · 5d ago · 1m read
Animal Partisan has filed an administrative complaint against Shepherd's Touch, a Pennsylvania halal slaughterhouse, with both the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). The complaint stems from an undercover investigation conducted at the slaughterhouse and alleges violations of numerous federal laws intended to protect animals, consumers, and workers. Animal Partisan’s complaint asks the USDA to terminate the slaughterhouse’s status as a “custom exempt” establishment, something of a regulatory loophole which allows certain facilities to operate without regular federal inspection. The complaint also asks the USDA to investigate the slaughterhouse’s sanitation and recordkeeping practices, and requests that OSHA investigate possible workplace safety infractions.  The investigation documented video of workers and customers cutting the throats of animals in a manner that may violate the “ritual slaughter” exemption in the federal Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. The investigation also identified concerns with the facility's sanitation practices as regulated under the Federal Meat Inspection Act, including blood, feces, and trash (including bottles and latex gloves) on or near the killing floor, as well as a dumpster overflowing with trash. Finally, the investigation disturbingly documented several children allowed to roam freely around the slaughtering floor. Children under the age of 18 walked or stood in close proximity to animals flailing violently as they were positioned for slaughter, sharp knives, and floors slicked with the blood of animals recently butchered. The complaint asks OSHA to investigate whether these practices violate federal workplace safety laws.  More details and video can be found at the link HERE.
Kate Brindle
 · 1d ago · 1m read
Great news to start off the new year! Colorado and Michigan’s laws banning the production and sale of eggs from caged hens went into effect on January 1, 2025. The implementation of these laws represents a historic moment in our movement’s work to end the cage confinement of farm animals. We estimate that these two laws will provide legal protections for almost *15 million birds every year* going forward.  Victories like this build on all of the hard work—both legislative and corporate—that various groups are doing. So, congratulations to everyone pushing to get hens out of cages!  Kate Brindle Program Manager, Public and Corporate Policy, Farm Animal Protection, Humane Society of the United States Pronouns: she/her/hers kbrindle@humanesociety.org C 202-834-0913     humanesociety.org
 · 5h ago · 1m read
In early 2025, Animal Outlook released an investigation into live animal markets in San Francisco, documenting widespread animal cruelty that appears to violate California laws. This includes: Frogs being beheaded without prior stunning; A turtle struck with a mallet, their legs moving in response to being cut apart; Fish being bludgeoned multiple times and butchered; Animals kept in cramped conditions likely to cause injury; Live frogs and fish being placed in plastic bags; Crabs confined in a cardboard box; A turtle unsuccessfully attempting to escape; Live fish falling onto the street during unloading from a truck. Animal Outlook is urging the San Francisco Department of Animal Care and Control (SFACC) to take action against this abuse and hold those responsible accountable. Specifically, we believe the recordings prove violations of several California laws, including (1) California’s general cruelty law, California Penal Code § 597; and (2) California’s live market law, California Penal Code § 597.3. Animal Outlook has been working with SFACC since it first investigated the city's live animal markets in 2022 to try to bring enforcement against these blatant animal cruelty violations. But despite pervasive animal suffering in live markets, so far, SFACC has issued just one citation for animal cruelty. For more information visit https://animaloutlook.org/investigations/