We are happy to inform you that during May, our organization was elected as the representative of animal protection organizations on Chile’s Animal Bioethics Committee (CBA by its acronym in Spanish). This Committee is a central body, established by the Law N° 20,380 of the country, which has the powers to define the guidelines under which laboratory experiments on live animals can be carried out, answer related queries and coordinate with the institutions involved in the matter.

Now Te Protejo must ensure the well-being of animals used for experiments in the country, intervening in the periodic meetings of the Committee, advocating for the transparency of the processes in which animals are used, and looking for ways to make visible what is being done regarding animal experimentation in the country. This will allow us to identify future regulations and bills opportunities to replace animals with alternative methods. 

The establishment of the Animal Bioethics Committee is thanks to the promulgation of Chilean Law N° 20,380 on Animal Protection in 2009 . This law mandates the creation of a committee responsible for providing guidelines for conducting experiments on live animals in accordance with its regulations.

The Committee must include two academics designated by the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities; a scientist appointed by the Director of the Institute of Public Health of Chile; a researcher appointed by the President of the Agricultural Research Institute; a scientist appointed by the Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation; a representative of the Veterinary Doctors Association, and a representative of the animal protection institutions that are legally registered and have national representativeness.

Ww will be reporting on the progress of its work in this Committee through its website www.ongteprotejo.org, but if you need any information, we are happy to share it with you.




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