Hi all!

After being called out in the 2024 Eggsposé report and being the target of a cage-free accountability campaign run by The Humane League, Carl’s Jr. is now reporting its cage-free egg progress and is 100% cage-free for all US locations! Additionally, after previously removing “100%” and “globally” from its commitment, CKE published the following on its animal welfare page:

We have committed to transitioning our egg supply to 100% cage-free eggs in our restaurants globally in 2025.

We are pleased to report that in all domestic Carl’s Jr. restaurants we have met our commitment and are 100% cage-free.

Our commitment continues to stay firm, and we are resolute to a cage-free egg supply in 2025 in all of our domestic and international restaurants.


This update not only confirms that Carl's Jr. has achieved its US cage-free goal more than a year ahead of schedule, but affirms that CKE is still committed to transitioning to cage-free sourcing for all global operations by 2025.


Scale: National (US)

Timeline: Campaigning against CKE and its subsidiaries Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s started in April 2024

Who: The Humane League

Successful tactics: Websites targeting executives, mobile billboard in CKE’s headquarters city during a large city event for a national holiday, newspaper ad in county paper where CKE’s headquarters are located

Scalability: International - more than 40 countries

Follow-up: We will continue to campaign against Hardee’s and CKE as Hardee’s is not reporting its cage-free egg progress. Please support our efforts by signing and sharing our petition and visiting HeartlessHardees.com to take additional action!




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