I’m delighted to share an update on the 2024 Veganuary campaign through our Campaign Report which you can find here

Some of the key headlines include:

  •  A mind-blowing 25 million people worldwide participated and gave up animal products during January based on YouGov surveys in Veganuary’s core campaign countries and population estimates for those countries 
  • At least 2,100 new vegan products and menu options were launched globally for Veganuary - the largest number yet. Additionally in Latin America alone, over 2,000 vegan products were reduced in price to make them more accessible. Some US corporate highlights included Portland-area retailer New Seasons going all-in for Veganuary this year as well as Kroger-owned Vitacost promoting Veganuary and Costco encouraging customers to sign up to try vegan in their magazine Costco Connection (circulation of about 15 million).
  • A record-breaking 300 businesses and organisations took part in the Workplace Challenge around the world, including Salesforce, DocuSign and Just Eat Takeaway in the UK
  • More than 10,000 international media mentions of Veganuary including on the Graham Norton Show, Eastenders, Countdown and This Morning and 20 TV features in the US alone
  • We’ve also seen our highest ever corporate participation in Germany this year with over one thousand companies participating to promote plant-based eating and launch new vegan options, including all major retailers in the country and a total of 23 universities. Caterer Dussmann served new vegan dishes in company restaurants, reaching more than 16 million people every day in January.

Veganuary 2024 marks our 10th anniversary, having first began in the UK in 2014, with 3,300 participants trying vegan for the month of January and beyond. Veganuary currently runs campaigns in 16 countries, and we’d like to say a huge thank you to our wonderful partner organizations who are driving this progress in 8 of those 16 countries.

 The link again to our full End of Campaign Report is: https://veganuary.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Campaign-Report-2024-UK.pdf




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Wow, this sounds like a great acheivement! Can I ask how you calculated the 25M estimate? I tried looking in the campaign report and didn't see additional info. I maybe found a couple of the Yougov surveys (UK and Germany)?