Mercy For Animals’ ChooseVeg program is thrilled to share our first-ever Annual Earth Day Report. This publication aims to achieve the following goals: 

  1. Bring attention to the role of our food system, specifically industrial animal agriculture, in climate change. 
  2. Highlight companies that are promoting and enhancing their plant-based food offerings and identify areas for growth and improvement. 
  3. Raise awareness about companies that are failing to make progress toward their professed climate goals.

In the lead up to this publication, MFA engaged dozens of companies across different sectors of the food industry to discuss the importance of reducing meat and dairy procurement volumes to fight climate change. 


Several prominent coffee chains included in our outreach promoted plant-based beverages and food options heavily on their spring menus, including StarbucksPeet’sCaribou, and Philz

Download the full report here to read more! 





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